Enfield, Enfield, Greater London3 weeks
Save advert3 females and 1 male.
2 female SOLD!
They look big but they are not. They are small but because they are fluffy it makes them look bigger.
Dad is a XXS thailand pomeranian. ( a picture can be shown and proof of stud when viewing).
Female £1200
Male £1000
Dob. July 2 2024
Additional Info
- Breed Pomeranian
- LocationEnfield, Enfield, Greater London
- Current age 2 weeks
- Ready to leaveNow
- Seller type Private seller
- Microchipped Yes
- Neutered No
- Vaccinated No
- Wormed & flead No
This puppy is 2 weeks old and is ready to leave Now
Remember that puppies should not leave their mother until at least 8 weeks of age.
The seller is a private seller
This puppy is being sold by a private seller. Remember to follow all usual safe buying procedures and read our buying checklist.